Wednesday, March 30


Fed up with having to drive to school or stay behind after class, I've finally just sucked it up and bought a sewing machine. I now have 2 cute little toddler-sized Hobbit cloaks:

One for my kid, and one for his BFF.

And I've finished the underdress, overskirt and bodice to my own costume. I'm thinking of making an apron, too, since I already have the fabric for it and now have an easier way to make it at home!

And all I have left is my mission of figuring out how to curl and keep curled my hair for all day Saturday. The question it whether or not it'll be freakishly windy (although I'm gonna say YES since this is stupid Oklahoma.)

But I didn't finish it all until about half an hour ago, and I'm going to wait until better light to take pictures. Goodnight!

1 comment:

  1. ugh I totally forgot the apron!!! i'll be barmaid hobbit
