Thursday, June 2

Summer = Productivity.. right?

Alright! Out of school, only working twice a week (alternating with my husband) and Olibear starts Mother's Day Out twice a week next week. This means I better get my To-Do lists together so that I can be prepared in using my 6 free hours each day he's gone wisely.

I will not, repeat, will not play video games for 6 straight hours each day.

Maybe just 20 minutes.. or so.

I've been browsing through quite a few DIY blogs online, mostly over home items or house renovations, and I think that's what I'm doing with my time. We only have so long in this house before we move to Oregon (fingers crossed!) but it's still up in the air, since we haven't heard definitive answers back from jobs John's applied to.

Therefor, I will do what I can with the time and money that I have. Which isn't much, so that's where the internet comes in. Follow the jump for the complete list in my head that I am determined to get finished!