Thursday, May 12


Driving in Oklahoma is not only an obstacle course, due to lack of common sense with other drivers but also because of the wind. Also, for future reference, when you get to a 4-way stop first, it is YOUR. TURN. To. GO. FIRST. Don't wave me on like I'm the stupid one.


I'm working over the summer and will have a lot of downtime, but now that the semester is over, no homework to stress me out. I need some sort of challenge to keep me from wilting away on the internet. Arriving at the school an hour earlier to workout in the gym has helped! But then it's 9 - 5 on a computer, answering and transferring calls without much else to do.

My boss and I talked about how great it would be to make a giant map of the campus buildings, along with the surrounding streets, so that the other operators who might have trouble orienting themselves to give directions (since we work in the dungeon of our building). And I think I might make that my project to do while up here. Now I just need to find a 3' x 5' piece of canvas, or I guess already stretched onto a frame piece. I just mostly wanted it to be free.